Mindset Surveys

Mappit’s Mindset Surveys are engineered to unlock the potential within your organisation. Mappit transforms surveys into a tool for inspiring growth, innovation, and forward-thinking culture.

mindset surveys

The foundation of Mappit’s Mindset Surveys is the concept of the growth mindset, where the skills, talents, and intelligence are not fixed but can be developed over time with effort and perseverance. Mappit mindset surveys are designed to assess and inspire individuals to contribute to a growth-oriented organisation.

Immediate insights for lasting change

Mappit provides a platform where individuals and teams can reflect on their beliefs about abilities and potential, empowering them to embrace challenges and learn from failures.

Mappit Mindset reports encouraging individuals to shift their perspective on abilities from fixed to malleable, opening doors to new and endless possibilities for personal and professional development. Mappit surveys and reports are structured to prompt reflection and inspire action. The personalised reports go beyond traditional group survey metrics to measure not only the organisation but also an individual’s mindset orientation.

Mappit Benefits:

Intuitive and engaging interface, fostering higher participation and deeper insights.

Customised reporting to align with your organisation’s unique culture and needs.

Tailored to reveal underlying mindset orientations, encouraging deeper self-awareness and growth.

Strengthens the organisation’s adaptability and innovation by nurturing a growth mindset.

Engagement Surveys are extremely important in optimising your organisation's operations – however, when they aren’t executed well, everyone ends up hating the process.

Our Clients

Mappit’s role in cultivating an organisation's growth mindset.

Central to Mappit’s tool is its ability to highlight areas for mindset development. By focusing on potential and adaptability, the tool motivates and inspires a forward-thinking attitude among all team members.

Mappit’s interface is designed to facilitate deep introspection and growth. It incorporates features that prompt reflective thinking, collaborative problem-solving, and a proactive approach towards challenges. The Mappit growth mindset survey is a tool that aids individuals in understanding how beliefs and self perceptions may be stopping them from achieveing thier potential. Mappit’s Mindset Surveys offer an industry-leading solution for cultivating an environment of resilience, innovation, and adaptability.


Other Apps

Mappit's Mindset Surveys facilitate an environment where employees view challenges as opportunities, embrace continuous learning, and develop resilience against setbacks.

Package 1


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Package 3


Package 4


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Package 3


Package 4
